BOOKSTORE (Bancomer-Libreria santa teresa)
go to the corner of Sonora Av. and 3ra.Este street
go to the corner of juares Av. and 5ta.Este Street
NEWSSTAND (Super del norte-Benavides)
go to the corner of juarez Av. and 5ta. Este street and turn right.
BANK (Prque juarez-Banamex)
go to the corner of juarez Av. 6ta este street
go to the corner of Sonora Av. and 3ra.Este street
go to the corner of juares Av. and 5ta.Este Street
NEWSSTAND (Super del norte-Benavides)
go to the corner of juarez Av. and 5ta. Este street and turn right.
BANK (Prque juarez-Banamex)
go to the corner of juarez Av. 6ta este street
Pharmacy (Banamex Bank - Benavides)
Go to the corner of Juárez Avenue and 5ta Este Street, go straight and turn right.
Restaurant ( Super del Norte - Buffalo's)
Go two blocks from Juárez Avenue.
Post office ( Mina- Correos de México)
Go straight and turn right in the street
Go to the corner of Juárez Avenue and 5ta Este Street, go straight and turn right.
Restaurant ( Super del Norte - Buffalo's)
Go two blocks from Juárez Avenue.
Post office ( Mina- Correos de México)
Go straight and turn right in the street
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