jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Unit 3. Wrap Up

Vocabulary. Name the places in the town.

a restaurant.
a newsstand.
a bank.
a convenience store.
a post office.
a bookstore.
a travel agency.
a museum.
a park.
a mall.
an airport.
a taxi stand.
a train station.
a bus station.

Grammar. Make statements about location.

- The restaurant is across from the bus station.
- The bookstore is next to the newsstand.
- The museum is next to taxi stand.
- The bank is across the street from post office.

Social language. Ask for directions.

A: Where's the mall?
B: It's around the corner, on the left.

A: Where's the museum?
B: It's down the street.

A: How do I get to the travel agency?
B: Go to the corner of First Street and Mason Street.

A: Where's the bus station?
B: It's across the street from the restaurant

Unit 3. Directions

BOOKSTORE (Bancomer-Libreria santa teresa)
go to the corner of Sonora Av. and 3ra.Este street

go to the corner of juares Av. and 5ta.Este Street

NEWSSTAND (Super del norte-Benavides)
go to the corner of juarez Av. and 5ta. Este street and turn right.

BANK (Prque juarez-Banamex)
go to the corner of juarez Av. 6ta este street
Pharmacy (Banamex Bank  - Benavides)
 Go to the corner of Juárez Avenue and 5ta Este Street, go straight and turn right.

Restaurant ( Super del Norte -  Buffalo's)
Go two blocks from Juárez Avenue.

Post office ( Mina- Correos de México)
Go straight and turn right in the street

Unit 3. Location

Gasolinera Gallegos (gas station)

it's across the street from coopel
it's around the corner from tienda de arreglos
it's down tha street from the bank
it's on the left (WE))
it's on the right (EW)
it's next to the telcel

Video City (video store)

it's across the street  from peluqueria
it's around the corner from car wash
it's down the street from similar
it's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the school

San Carlos (toy store)

it's across the street from tienda qaset
it's around the corner from sensación
it's down the street from the bank

it's on the left (WE)
it's on the right EW)
it's next to the taqueria

Kalzapato (shoe store)

it's across the street from mireya
it's around the corner from cindicato
it's down the street from movistar

it's on the left (WE)
it's on the right (EW)
it's next to the papeleria

Police Estation

it's across the street from schoool
it's around the corner from hospital
it's down the street mina

it's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the telegrafo

Fire Estation

it's  across the street from sensación
it's around the corner from cananea vieja
it's down the street from comandancia

it's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the rios peña
D’ Angel (Clothing store)
It’s across the street from pizza house.It’s around the corner from Sushi Noly. It’s down the street from Sports Bar (NS).
It’s on the left (NS).
It’s on the right (SN).

Electra( Electronics Store)
It’s across the street from Dulceria Central.
It’s on the left (SN).
It’s on the right (NS).
It’s down the street from Bancomer  bank(NS).
It’s around the corner from homes.
Real de Cobre (Hotel)
It’s across the street from Santa Fé.
It’s down the street from refaccionaria Ros – Car.
It’s on the left (EW).
It’s on the right (WE).

Santa Fe (Supermarket)
It’s  across the street from Manicomio bar.It’s down the street from CFE.
It’s on the left (WE).
It’s on the right (EW).
It’s next to Telmex.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Unit 3.

  1. a travel agency
  2. a post office
  3. a bank
  4. a mall
  5. a restaurant
  6. a bus station
  7. a book store a newsstand
  8. a museum
  9. a train station
  10. a convenience store
  11. a taxi stand.

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011


VOCABULARY, Point and name the occupations of the people.

1.- musician
2.- architect
3.- nurse
4.- pilot
5.- salesperson
6.- travel agent
7.- singer

GRAMAR, Ask and answer question about the people.
1.- she´s nurse? yes. she is nurse
2.- he´s architect?
yes. he´s architect
3.- you´re flight attendant?
no. I´m not, I´m pilot.
4.- you´re athlete?
no.we´re not, we´re musician.
5.- you´re doctor?
no. I´m not, I´m scientist.


Mr. Bello: Hello. I'm John Bello.
Ms. Quinn: Excuse me?
Mr. Bello: John Bello.
Ms. Quinn: How do you spell that?
Mr. Bello: B-E-L-L-O.

PAIR WORK. Practice the conversation. Use your own name in the guide.

A: Hello. I'm Laura Martinez
B: Excuse me?
A: Laura Martinez
B: How do you spell that?
A: M-A-R-T-I-N-E-Z 

unit1, lesson2, conversation identify a classmate

Jake: Excuse me. Are you Marie?
Laura: No, I'm not. I'm Laura. That's Marie.
Jake: Where?
Laura: Right over there.
Jake: Thank you.
Laura:You're welcome.

PAIR WORK. Practice the conversation. Use your own names in the guide.
A: Excuse me. Are you ricardo?
B: No, I'm not. I'm Ana . That's Laura.
A: Where?
B: Right over there.
A: Thank you.
B:You're welcome

unit1, lesson1,Combersation talk about what you do.

Man:What do you do?
Woman: I'm an architect. And you?
Man: I'm a banker.

A: What do you do?
I'm a student. And you?
I'm a student.

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Expetations and Vest

     Poder aprender a hablar bien el idioma, escribirlo correctamente, entender cuando una persona me esta hablando.

    No espero que se me olviden las reglas que se usan en el idioma ingles qe no pueda hablar el idioma  ni escribirlo correctamente.

Debe tener la cara descubierta, un maquillaje adeduado, pantalon formal no muy pegado, blusa con cuello(colores notorios pero tampono no mui llamativos) debe ser lisa, zapatos con tacon pero no muy altos.


Reglas del Laboratorio:
  • To complete issquares perweet
  • To take of computer equipment
  • To place the chair back in its pleace
  • To write the used computer
Reglas de la Institucion:
  • Causar daños a los bienes del personal y del alumno de la institucion
  • La alteracion o sustraccion no autorizada de documentos oficiales
  • La realizacion de actos que atenten contra las actividades docentes y/o administrativas
  1. Baja definitiva del Instituto Técnologico Superior de Cananea
  2. Baja definitiva del Sistema Nacional de Institutos Técnologicos.
Reglas del Salon:
  1. no introducir alimentos o bebidas
  2. no venir con gorras ni gafas
  3. no introducir celulares
  4. sólo 2 fallas
  5. 3 retardos una falta

cover letter

Mrs. María Ana Amelía Navarro Varela
Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Cananea
Carretera Cananea. Agua Prieta Km.8
Codigo Portal:84620

     Estimada Mrs. Tapia soy una persona responsable, amable, puntual, inteligente y con ganas de aprender, por lo cual le pido me acepte en su clase de inglés nivel 1. del Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Cananea  Ingenieria en Gestion Empresarial.

     Conoci del idiomainglés en un curso dado en la institucion ICATSON donde fue el principio del aprendizaje del idioma ingles dopnde me otorgaron un reconocimiento por haber asistido a esos cursos, despues en la secundaria Tecnica #9 "Ricardo Flore Magón" me enseñaron un poqo mas del idioma hay tuve un buen promedio cuando sali de la institucion conclui mis estudios en el CBTIS 106 donde tambien lleve el idioma ingles y desde luego tuve un buen promedio y donde acumule un buen aprovechamiento.

     Le agradeceria me aceptara en su clase ya que me es muy interesante y me ayudaria a tener un mejor aprendizaje en el ingles de antemano gracias.

Ana Laura Martinez Cota
1ro. de Mayo #10, Nuevo Cananea.
Tel. (645) 33-2-45-36
correo: ana_moriita@hotmail.com
Codigo Postal:84620
Cananea Sonora

Ana Laura Martinez Cota


Like and Dislikes

Eat:Helado, Carne, Mariscos,Sodas.
Listen:Canto de pajaros, musica.

See:Programas ecologicos.
Listen:Gritar, musica de rap.
 El dia que di a luz a mi hija.
 Cuando me cai enfrente de mucha gente.

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inicie mi blogg el 31 de agosto del 2011